We Are 澳洲幸运8正规官网网址
BlueMark 澳洲幸运8手机开奖版官网 is company where innovation and wireless technology is key. Our services include 澳洲幸运8彩票今日开奖结果全国统一发布, 官方版手机版开奖查询, 开奖号码结果数据, 开奖记录历史记录查询, 官网澳洲8开奖现场视频直播, 在线看视频查询记录查询结果, 全网最快的澳洲体彩幸运8开奖视频直播, consultancy, but also products that we have developed internally. The company is small and centered around dr. ir. Roel Schiphorst . It allows us to be flexible and work on a project-basis without the burden of a large organisation. Often we work with partners to provide the whole solution.
Independent – We are an independent organisation. This is very important because our advise should be unbiased. It means that we are not dependent to (too big) customers and/or external shareholders that would affect our independence. Instead our income revenue relies on multiple business areas.
Innovation – Our company is built on and driven by innovation. The owner Roel has a background wireless communication and science. He has authored or co-authored more than 70 scientific papers. Also the company offers innovative products as can be found on our website.
Escrow – For a rainy day. We offer a multi-license software Escrow agreement by the NCC Group to our customers. This means that your business-critical services will continue in case we can’t deliver anymore. Our source code will be release in that case to you.
Founded In 2011
Word Wide Clients
Honor Awards
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Get in Touch
BlueMark 澳洲幸运8手机开奖版官网 is located at the Business & Science park near the entrance of the University of Twente. Our office can be found on the first floor of the Central Park Twente office building. It has good public transportation connections; bus stop Enschede, Enschede UT or train station Enschede Kennispark (10 min walk). See the end of this page for a map.