LTE and cable TV co-existence
A prediction model to assess the interference on cable TV due to introduction of LTE in the digital dividend band (800 and 700 MHz band)
In the Netherlands, the majority of households has a cable TV connection. Due to the introduction of the LTE networks in the 800 and 700 MHz, LTE signals could interfere with cable TV signals in the same frequency band and vice versa. The weak point is the cable TV network in the house. In older houses those cables are outdated, not meeting current standards or installed incorrectly. The assignment was to develop an interference model to predict how large nationwide the interference was due to introducing LTE networks. It was based on the current situation and future situation in the Netherlands using several scenarios. Furthermore, the project investigated what possible mitigation solutions were and how much they would mitigate the interference.
Role BlueMark
In this project BlueMark co-worked with Agentschap Telecom to create the interference model and report. Furthermore we were responsible for investigating potential mitigation solutions and their effect.
The result of this project was an internal interference model and two public reports.
Onderzoek naar storing op kabeltelevisie door mobiel gebruik in het Digitaal Dividend
Roel Schiphorst, J.J. Robijns, Cornelis H. Slump, A.H.P. Arts, A. Bogaard, S.R. Fleurke, F.F. Pors, B. Smith, P.W. Wijninga
Update Kabelstooronderzoek 700/800 MHz mobiel gebruik
Drs. André Arts, Ir. Huub Nagel c.s. Dr. Roel Schiphorst Prof. dr. Mark Bentum (Universiteit Twente)1